Tag Archives: Be a superstar in your car

5 Ways to Become a Superstar in Your Car

Be a Superstar

If you are in sales or make a daily commute to the office, it would be safe to say that you spend a good amount of your day in your car.  What you do with that time spent in your car could go along way to determine whether you become a superstar.

I spend about 7-10 hours a week in my car on average.  I am not great at math, but that translates to over 400 hours a year driving in my car.  That’s right, I spend over 400 hours a year sitting in my car.  Some of you may spend less time on the road, but many sales professionals are in their vehicles for most of every day.  Regardless, it’s amazing to think about how much time we spend in our vehicle.

What can you do with the hundreds of hours you spend each year in your car?  There are many options that are available.  Most people listen to music, news, sports radio (my guilty pleasure), look at their phone (just admit it), or simply do nothing.

I am not against any of those things and personally have enjoyed doing all of them at one time or another, but what if we maximized our time to make ourselves better?  Why not use this valuable time in our car to make you a better parent, spouse, business person, sales professional, thinker, writer, etc.  The list could go on and on.

I believe there are 5 great ways to become a superstar in your car.  You may prefer one over the others, but I believe they are all highly effective to help you learn and grow.

1) Listen to podcasts–This is one of my favorites.  There is so much great FREE information that anyone can access.  Some of my favorites include:

Whether you are looking for inspiration, motivation, financial help, sales and marketing advice, or spiritual enrichment, podcasts can provide an abundance of information.

2) Listen to audio booksI love reading a book.  If you love books, but think you never have any time, why not listen to your favorite books in transit.  Audible is a great resource for finding thousands of books to listen in your car.  As the saying goes, “leaders are readers.”

3) Mental rehearsal–When driving to a meeting, presentation, or speaking engagement; mental rehearsal allows you to focus and practice on the task ahead.  Many of us walk into an appointment with no preparation and it shows.  Show up prepared and be ready for anything that may come your way.

4) Dream and plan–Most people spend so much time working on mundane  tasks that they never really take the necessary time to dream, plan, and review goals.   This is vital to allow yourself the freedom to look at the big picture to make sure you are on the right path to success.  Turn off the radio and start dreaming and planning.  This can be the place where your greatest ideas are born.

5)  Pray–As much as we prepare and practice in all areas listed above, the reality is that we are not in control.  I know some of my readers are not believers, but find whatever gives you strength and spiritual enlightenment.  The car is a great place to reflect and find your purpose.

Even if you only spend a little time in your car the good news is that you can still to all these things.  Find the place and time that works for your situation.  Maybe its on the train, in a bus, or while you are mowing the yard.  The key is to make it a priority over inconsequential tasks.

The bottom line

How you spend your commute time is up to you. Everyone needs some time to just chill and relax, but those who maximize their time by putting good information and thoughts in their head will be way ahead of those who don’t.   I urge you to use this time wisely to continue to learn and grow.

How do you use your commute time?  Do you have any other suggestions?  I would love to hear them.